910 port 22: Connection refused $ Click the 'Turn SSH On' button.
Additional note: by default ssh connections directly to the openHAB console are not allowed from remote hosts. Another solution would be to use the ssh-keygen utility to delete the offending key from your known_hosts file, which can be done with the following command: $ ssh-keygen -R So in my example I'd use it like this: $ ssh-keygen -R ec2-192-168-1-1. 📻Terminal/ssh/sftp client(linux, mac, win). Go into Terminal and type in: chmod a+rwx ~/. Under Connection, select Secure Shell and enter Hostname or IP address. 04 LTS (Narcoleptic Narwhal, or something)
Then try to run following command in Putty or Terminal.
Mac terminal ssh connection refused Find the getextradata and showvminfo in attachment.